¡Vámonos! Spanish for Travellers

¡Vámonos! Our Spanish for Travellers program, where you'll have great tools to get a taste of the language and feel more confident when traveling. The emphasis is on speaking and listening, rather than on grammar. Quickly grasp the basics of the Spanish language in a delightful and engaging manner, ensuring you're well-equipped for your journey. Let's make your travel experience not just a trip, but a cultural exploration enriched by the beauty of  Spanish language!"

Locations & Dates

Spring - Vancouver

¡Vámonos!  Spanish for travellers

Ages: 19+
April 9 - June 16  (no session April 23)
Tuesdays from 4:45 pm to 5:45 pm
Cost: $179
Britannia Community Center 1661 Napier St. Vancouver
Spring - West Vancouver

¡Vámonos!  Spanish for travellers

Ages: 19+
April 8 - June 24  (no session April 22 and May 20)
Mondays from 19:00 pm to 20:00 pm
Cost: $230
West Vancouver Community Center 2121 Marine Dr.