Explore the beauty of Spanish and Latin culture

Welcome to our Vancouver-based Spanish Academy, where we offer a global perspective on language learning, providing tailored classes, camps and personalized tutoring for all ages.

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More than 10 years serving a community where Spanish truly comes to life

Words in Motion is a Spanish Immersion program that enables children and adults  to learn Spanish in an easy and fun way in person and online.  All taught by highly qualified and experienced native Spanish speakers. Our mission is to passionately spread, enrich, and strengthen the Spanish language and Latin culture.

Kids & Tots

Group Classes
Speech Therapy

Our programs for kids and tots promote a love for language through interactive and joyful experiences. From storytelling to creative exercises, each class sparks curiosity and lays the foundation for a lifelong appreciation of Spanish.

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Teens & Adults

Private Classes
Group Classes
Spanish for Travelers

Age is no barrier to the lifelong gains of learning. Beyond language skills, Spanish is a valuable asset that expands cultural horizons and fosters cognitive skills. Learn Spanish and explore the benefits that extend far beyond words.

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What the community is saying

We had a great time celebrating Cinco De Mayo with our amigos and amigas... Our community came out strong and had a wonderful time educating on the true meaning of Cinco De Mayo and celebrating Latin heritage.

West End Seniors' Network

Spacial Events

This workshop is an excellent resource for Latina moms. I really liked the ideas they gave us. It was very good to meet other mothers like me who are looking for resources to help our children reinforce their Spanish.

Mariana P.

Speech and Language Workshop

My son has greatly improved his vocabulary and has begun to lay the foundations of reading and writing. Thank you very much for helping us give the gift of a second language to our children.

Xanat G.

Facebook Reviews

Thank you very much for the workshop, sometimes. I loved the tips,  the games and the huge range of topics there is to teach my kid: vocabulary, sentences, vowels, colors. You help kids find interest in learning Spanish.

Ximena F.

Speech and Language Workshop

How lucky to have found your program! It opened my eyes and gave me very good ideas. Thank you for your work and dedication. A support workshop for parents with little time and little creative talent.

Lourdes S.

Speech and Language Workshop